Original estimated hours & Hours spent by "Logged-by" and "Assignee""

Hi everyone! I am a new user with no real knowledge and will be thankful for any help.

I need to create a report which will help me to track the comparison between the evaluation of the task and the hours spent on it by a developer(s).
The problem I faced is that I want to use measures “Original estimated hours” and “Hours spent”, but they work well only with “Assignee” and “Logged-by” respectively.
I took a calculated measure from the topic here, but it didn’t help:

I guess that the problem I have occurs because to get the “Original estimated hours” for the issue I need to use “Assignee” and to get the correct amount “Hours spent” I need to use “Logged-by”, but I need to use both to compare them.

Applying the screenshot of the report I would love to have in the end:

Hi @Kira_Knightly

Welcome to the Community! :tada:

You can define a new calculated measure in the Measures dimension “Original est hours” with the following formula:

  [Measures].[Original estimated hours],
  [Assignee].[User].Members.Item([Logged by].CurrentHierarchyMember.Name),
  [Logged by].CurrentHierarchy.DefaultMember

This is a tuple, that addresses the Original estimates hours and finds the Assignee by the name of the current “Logged by” user. Finally, this formula ignores the current “Logged by” user and overrides it with the DefaultMember (“All Users”) member to not interfere with the result.

Let me know if this works as expected!
​Best regards,
​Nauris / eazyBI support

Hi, @nauris.malitis!

Thank you very much! It worked perfectly and allowed me to finish the report!

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@nauris.malitis, hi!
The report itself provides a comparison for a user for a specific task the user worked on. In the table I can see the original estimated hours and hours spent (with the custom measure from above).
In case of my workflow I faced the next problem:
When the task is finished (by a dev.) it is tranferred to a QA column in Jira and the assignee is changed. When the task is moved to done, the assignee is a QA and thus in the report I don’t see the original estomated hours.

Is there a way to adjust it in EazyBI so that I will still see the original estimated hours for the task that the person worked on even if the person is not the assignee anymore?
If not, I always can try to adjust Jira so it will switch the assignee from a QA to a dev. who worked on it

Hi @Kira_Knightly

You can define a new calculated measure that will take the Original estimated hours measure and ignore the Logged by member in the columns with a formula like this:

  [Measures].[Original estimated hours],
  [Logged by].CurrentHierarchy.DefaultMember

To show only the estimates for rows where there are hours spent, you can use a formula like this:

[Measures].[Hours spent] > 0
  [Measures].[Original estimated hours],
  [Logged by].CurrentHierarchy.DefaultMember
) * 1

​Let me know if this fits your use case or if you have any additional questions on this!
​Best regards,