Hi @Revathy0227,
First, you might want to adjust the data import to import those properties for each Test Case. Adjust the data source and data mapping so it would contain at least two columns:
TestCaseKey - this column will be used to find Tests by key and add custom field data to them.
For the key column select the dimension TM4J Test Case and the level Test Case ; in advanced options select Key column and Skip missing . -
Functional Automation Coverage - this column will import information on test type for each Test Case.
For the custom field column, also select dimension TM4J Test Case and level Test Case; this information indicates where custom field values as properties should be added. In advanced options, enter a property name (most likely the same as a custom field name in Zephyr Scale).
Please carefully review the data mapping example: Pulling custom fields from Zephyr Scale (TM4J) Data Center into eazyBI - #2 by zane.baranovska
When property data are imported for each test case, you can move forward with the report.
For the report, create a new calculated measure in Measures to count how many test cases are Automated. For the calculation, go through all individual Test cases and check the property value. For example, the expression might look like this:
--iterate through a set of test cases
Descendants([Zephyr Scale Test Case].CurrentMember, [Zephyr Scale Test Case].[Test Case]),
--for each tests, check imported property value
[Zephyr Scale Test Case].CurrentMember.Get('Functional Automation Coverage') = "Automated" AND
--measure to get report context and relate to values selected on report rows, pages and columns
[Measures].[Zephyr Scale Test Cases created] > 0
Similarly, create other measures to count “Partialy Automated” and “Yet to be Automated” test cases.
More detail on calculated measures are here: Calculated measures.