I am trying to create reporting for Zephyr Scale (formerly TM4J) in eazyBI. I have created a couple of custom fields for test plans (single choice dropdown, multi choice dropdown) and I would like to import them into eazyBI for analysis. The inbuilt Zephyr Scale fields come by default, however, I haven’t seen any option to import the custom fields. Is this possible?
Currently, eazyBI does not support the custom fields from the Zephyr Scale (former TM4J) app. We have such a request in our backlog, but I do not provide exact estimates for it. I added your vote and will keep you posted when anything new regarding this appears.
Meanwhile, you may import TM4J custom fields as properties of tests, plans, or cycles using additional data import and mapping. You might use the REST API endpoint provided by the Zephyr Scale (TM4J) as an additional data source.
Here is an example of how to import custom fields of Test Cases.
In Source Data, add REST API as a new data source. https://<your_jira_domain>/rest/atm/1.0/testcase/search
Please validate the API address and search parameters (like project key) in the browser first.
In the data mapping screen, select the existing cube name from the list.
Find column key ; this column will be used to find Tests by key and add custom field data to them.
For the key column select the dimension TM4J Test Case and the level Test Case ; in advanced options select Key column and Skip missing .
Find a column with custom fields you would like to import. For the custom field column also select dimension TM4J Test Case and level Test Case ; this information indicates where custom field values as properties should be added. In advanced options enter a property name (most likely the same as a custom field name in Zephyr Scale).
Your data mapping screen for Zephyr Scale (TM4J) Test Case custom fields might look like in the picture below.
I have a select list custom field in Zephyr , i have imported it as as custom property in eazybi but i am unable to fetch the Test cases count associated with this single list field.I need to build a report with Test case key dimension as 1st column & option selected in the test cases on the 2nd column & also the count of test cases associated with the select list option in the frequent columns.
Report Format Needed:
Kindly help me in resolving this issue,
Please find the images attached for referrence.
First, you might want to adjust the data import to import those properties for each Test Case. Adjust the data source and data mapping so it would contain at least two columns:
TestCaseKey - this column will be used to find Tests by key and add custom field data to them.
For the key column select the dimension TM4J Test Case and the level Test Case ; in advanced options select Key column and Skip missing .
Functional Automation Coverage - this column will import information on test type for each Test Case.
For the custom field column, also select dimension TM4J Test Case and level Test Case; this information indicates where custom field values as properties should be added. In advanced options, enter a property name (most likely the same as a custom field name in Zephyr Scale).
When property data are imported for each test case, you can move forward with the report.
For the report, create a new calculated measure in Measures to count how many test cases are Automated. For the calculation, go through all individual Test cases and check the property value. For example, the expression might look like this:
--iterate through a set of test cases
Descendants([Zephyr Scale Test Case].CurrentMember, [Zephyr Scale Test Case].[Test Case]),
--for each tests, check imported property value
[Zephyr Scale Test Case].CurrentMember.Get('Functional Automation Coverage') = "Automated" AND
--measure to get report context and relate to values selected on report rows, pages and columns
[Measures].[Zephyr Scale Test Cases created] > 0
Similarly, create other measures to count “Partialy Automated” and “Yet to be Automated” test cases.
More detail on calculated measures are here: Calculated measures.
Thanks for your support, but still what i need is i dont want to give the test case keys manually & then import it. i want it to automatically happen when test case dimension is expanded the keys which associated with this custom field should be shown up for that case only i need your help, if not report mentioned in the below could also be helpful.
Expected Report:
Note:Functional Automation Coverage as dimension or calculated member in rows, so when we expand the numbers in the Automated/Partially automated column & drill down to test cases & get the details that also fine.
@Revathy0227, eazyBI does not support the custom fields from the Zephyr Scale app, and the data mapping can not happen automatically. There is a feature request to pull in Zephyr Scale custom fields (provide integration with custom fields), but I do not have an estimate for this feature.
eazyBI can not guess how custom field values are distributed among test cases as this information is not imported. Currently, you may use the workaround described in this post (Pulling custom fields from Zephyr Scale (TM4J) Data Center into eazyBI - #4 by zane.baranovska). First, import a custom field value for each test case and then create calculated measures representing the count of Automated, partially automated and Yet to be automated test cases.
Can we pull test execution custom fields into eazybi using RESTAPI?
Also is it okay to pull custom fields into existing “Issues” cube or will it have any adverse impact.
With additional data import, you can import new metrics and properties to the already existing dimensions in eazyBI, like “Zephry Scale Test Case” and “Zephyr Scale Tests Cycle”. Test Executions do not have a separate dimension, so additional data import is not supported; there is no data to which those custom fields could be attached.