Splitting comma-separated parameters into columns

Hello EazyBI community,

I created a table where I listed the defects in my demands in the project. My field named Defect Keys is a custom field. I defined and imported it as follows.


As you can see now, in my parameter named defect keys, all my defects are sorted by comma separating them together. But I want it to be sorted into columns separately. You can see it below.

How can I do this in eazyBI?

Hi @must1
​Thanks for sharing your question!
​It is not possible to split the values into other columns,
​I recommend trying to add your linked issue dimension in Rows. Maybe this kind of format would work for you?

​Can you please share a use case on why you would want to split the linked issues into separate columns?

​If you are looking on how to faster access the links, you might consider setting up the linked-issue keys as hyperlinks (read more here Creating a chart that lists issues in respective cells, separated by commas, and hyperlinked)
​Or, if you are looking for a way to count the linked issues - you can check out our demo report where you will find the measure that counts the linked Bugs - Story and Bug overview by projects - Issues - eazyBI Demo Training - eazyBI

​Best wishes,

​Elita from support@eazybi.com

So let me change my question to this, in the example above you saw the comma-separated defect keys for each claim. We currently see these defect keys side by side in the table, separated by commas.

How can I sort these defect keys in numbered format? What do I write in the MDX calculation to Defect Keys?

Example: ADC-9632, ADC-8745, ADC-4821


Hi @must1
My sincere apologies for the delayed response.
To cast the issue links in a new line, you might want to try defining a new calculated measure with the formula below:

-- get a list of linked issues
cast([Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.Key as string), 

Best wishes,
Elita from support@eazybi.com