I am trying to create sprint goals report per sprint for a release. We release every quarter.
So, for example if the release is between Jan 1st and Mar 31st
Board| Sprint goal | Start Date | End Date
A | abc |01/01/2020|01/14/2020
A |xyz |01/15/2020|01/28/2020
A |fg |03/18/2020|03/31/2020
B |cde |01/01/2020|01/14/2020
B |fsa |01/15/2020|01/28/2020
A |fgds |03/18/2020|03/31/2020
So far, I have “All Sprints” selected on the Rows, “Sprint Goals” selected under Measures and displays for all the boards. How do I limit to show only sprints between a date range and limit to only boards A, B and C?
Thank you