Table: Get names of linked objects from another object scheme


I have a question regarding Jira Insight Asset Reports. I importet an object scheme which describtes a medical robot with different attributes, like serial number, last inspection, current customer, software version). Current customer is an object reference to another object which is located in another Insight object scheme. In the report I want to display the name of this customer for a certain robot. I can for example display the label of the linked object “software version” which is an object in the same sheme. However if I want to display the name of the customer it stays blank. How can I access attributes of linked objects from other object schemes?

I hope you can help me, thanks!

Hi @Alexander,

eazyBI imports data from one Insight schema only. There is a feature request on the eazyBI backlog to support several object shemas, but we are still looking for a convenient way to support such use case.

Please see the related community post here:

If the objects are in the same schema, then you can retrieve linked object names and other parameters using functions GetLinkedMember() and few other member functions. In this community post is described a use case:

Zane /


thank you for your answer. In the meantime I have found out that I can get the key of the linked clinic object via:
[Object].CurrentHierarchyMember.Get(‘VEMOTION Assets Account’)
but when I use
‘VEMOTION Assets Account’) the field stays empty.
Additionally I discovered that I can select the attribute VEMOTION Assets Account as member to display in the table. It even shows the name of these clinics and not the key. So the information I want to have is stored in the Import I just cant it to display in the way I want.

Hello again,
I think I found a working, although somewhat tedious solution. As I said before, I could display the key of the customer object. So I tried to use the replace function and I could come up with a working solution:

CASE Cast([Object].CurrentHierarchyMember.Get(‘VEMOTION Assets Account’) as String)

WHEN “CUS-1” THEN Replace(Cast([Object].CurrentHierarchyMember.Get(‘VEMOTION Assets Account’) as String),“CUS-1”,“Customer1”)
WHEN “CUS-2” THEN Replace(Cast([Object].CurrentHierarchyMember.Get(‘VEMOTION Assets Account’) as String),“CUS-2”,“Customer2”)
WHEN “CUS-3” THEN Replace(Cast([Object].CurrentHierarchyMember.Get(‘VEMOTION Assets Account’) as String),“CUS-3”,“Customer3”)

It basically replaces the key of every customer we have with the name. Of course this case block will get bigger and bigger the more customers there are but for a limited amount of customers its a viable workaround for the limitations of having only 1 object scheme as an import.

Maybe someone also knows on how to make this a bit more compact ;). I hope someone with similar problems might find this solution helpful!
