Table with epic properties and stories statuses

Hi @obillaud and @QiZhang,

Thank you, @QiZhang, for your answers; those are correct. For some use cases, there is more than one solution. Here are some alternatives @obillaud can try for points 4. and 5.

  1. You can Drill into a specific measure and split it by another dimension. For example, you can drill into measure “Issues created” and split this column to group data by “Status”. In the report, click on column “Issue created” header → Drill into → Status. Here are more details on how to drill into measure by another dimension: Create reports.

  2. All page filters are applied to individual issues. Howevere, yuo can filter by Epic issue fields as long as those fields belong to a specified list of standard fields (like Epic Label, Status, or Fix version) or are single-select custom fields. The principle is to pass down epic values to child issues and create a new dimension to represent the values assigned to epic - we call them link field dimensions. Please see the documentation for more details: Issue link field dimensions.
    Here are some Community posts on similar use cases:

Zane /