Time to first response report without the standart SLA

Hi, I need to build a report where I need to have Time to first response to a jira issue. But i can’t make it work because the standart report takes the SLA and we don’t use SLA.
How can I achieve this report without the SLA.
Thanks for the help

Hi @baryss

I believe we had a conversation regarding this question in the eazyBI support channel. I will share the suggestion from our discussion with the rest of the community:

If you mean the first comment date by “Time to first response”, I recommend importing the duration from the issue creation date until the first comment with the JavaScript calculated custom field option. Please see our documentation page for more details on defining, testing, and importing JavaScript calculated custom fields - JavaScript calculated custom fields - eazyBI for Jira.

The linked documentation page has an example of importing the last comment - JavaScript calculated custom fields - eazyBI for Jira. That can give you an insight on how to approach the requirement.

I recommend the parameters below:

# Time to first comment
name = "Time to first comment"
data_type = "decimal"
measure = true
javascript_code = '''
var startDate = issue.fields.created.substring(0,10);
if (issue.fields.comment && issue.fields.comment.comments && issue.fields.comment.comments.length > 0) {
  var endDate = issue.fields.comment.comments[0].created.substring(0,10);
  var duration = (Date.parse(endDate) - Date.parse(startDate)) / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24;
  issue.fields.customfield_ttfc = duration;

Add them to the eazyBI advanced settings. After updating the advanced settings, you can select the custom field for import. It will return the number of days from the issue creation date till the first comment.

Roberts // support@eazybi.com

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