If we are doing governance of incidents using JIRA and using Story and Sub Task basis. In the attached images Stroy has recovery action however sub task does not so is there a way we can populate Recovery Action information in EazyBI from the Story to its subsequent Subtasks?
Hi @Black_Pen_Mathematic
Welcome to eazyBI community!
There is an option on how you can pass down the Parent custom field value to Sub-tasks. It is limited to any Single value dimensions and values only (not the history).
You can use update_from_issue_key as an additional parameter in advanced settings for passing down the custom field value. We suggest creating a new calculated JavaScript custom field to copy the value from the original field, and then use it instead.
Please check out community post an example: Aggregate story points on stories under a epics grouped by a custom attribute
Only, in your case, as you do not use Epic link, but Parent - Sub-task link for passing down the value, use update_from_issue_key="parent_issue_key" (not “epic_key” as in the example).
After importing this field as a dimension, use it in reports as any other custom field that has values in all level issues.
Ilze / support@eazybi.com
Hi @ilze.leite
I have a similar requirement wherein I’m trying to pass down a numeric field from story to sub-task. Please note this numeric field is only available on story and not on the sub-task.
A bit confused on this part -
What should be entered in parent issue key?
Hi @biyaniabhi
Passing down some classification value is needed to filter lower-level issues by their epic or feature value. Then passing down the value allows using this dimension in Pages as a filter.
In the case of measures (as usually numeric fields are imported and used as measures), it is not applicable, as measures are stored differently. Also, I do not see how do you want to use them in the report? Usually, numeric values are aggregated from lower-level to higher. Would you mind elaborating your use case?
Answering your question generally, this setting should be used “as is”, nothing should be entered instead of parent_issue_key; it signifies by what key the linkage between issues should be used.
Ilze , support@eazybi.com