Since eazyBI does not currently support Components as Linked Issue Dimensions, we are looking for a workaround to apply the Component set on a Epic to all of its Child tickets.
We tried creating the below Advanced Import field but can’t seem to get it to import properly.
Issues can inherit field value only from single select custom fields. The component is a multi-selection field, and therefore the code does not work as expected.
You can try another approach and representing component combinations as they are assigned to Epic. For example, if an epic has two components Component_A and Comonent_B, then in the dimension, it will correspond to the value “Component_A, Comonent_B”. If an epic has only one component Component_A, then in the dimension, it will correspond to the value “Component_A”.
In the import option, deselect custom fields “Epic Components” from data import and import data. This action will clear the previous data and data structures (even you see them as empty).
Wait for data import to complete.
In the import option, select the custom field “Epic Components” for data import and import data for the second time.