Count of cases that will breach SLAs in less than 12 hours

Hi @raineroller!

You are right; making such a report with eazyBI is not as simple - it requires an Age dimension for dates that are in the future.

I can offer the following solution to your question, though - create a table with Issues on rows and filter those that have Running desired SLA (1).

I am ordering the issues by their SLA due date (2).

For visualisation (3), I have created two calculated measures:

a) Time to First response remaining, which is not selected but calculates the hours remaining until the due date.

CASE WHEN NOT IsEmpty([Measures].[Issue Time to first response Due date])
THEN Int(Round(0 - DateDiffHours(
  [Measures].[Issue Time to first response Due date],

b) Time to first response remaining h which uses the first measure and formatting described here Measure formatting (markdown and custom)

[Measures].[Time to First response remaining] < 12 
    "<p style='text-align:right;'>" ||
    "<i class='far fa-alarm-exclamation' style='color:red'></i>" || " " ||
    Str([Measures].[Time to First response remaining]) || "h" ||
[Measures].[Time to First response remaining] > 12 AND 
[Measures].[Time to First response remaining] < 24 
    "<p style='text-align:right;'>" || 
    "<i class='far fa-alarm-clock' style='color:orange'></i>" || " " ||
    Str([Measures].[Time to First response remaining]) || "h" ||
WHEN [Measures].[Time to First response remaining] > 24
    "<p style='text-align:right;'>" || 
    "<i class='far fa-alarm-snooze' style='color:green'></i>" || " " ||
    Str([Measures].[Time to First response remaining]) || "h" ||

Let me know if that helped or if you have further questions regarding this!
Lauma /