Hi @Joel_Orcutt ,
To group results by Story Points size, you might want to import Story Point values as dimension .
Please see community topics on a similar use case and how to do this:
The best solution for this would be to import Story points as a dimension. By default Story Points cannot be imported as a dimension, to change this you should apply some advanced settings in eazyBI.
Go to advanced settings and add following settings for Story Points custom field:
dimension = true
, where NNNNN is a custom field “Story Points” ID in Jira.
Then, go to import options and select custom field “Story Points” to import as a dimension.
You can use th…
Hello David,
eazyBI by default imports any numeric value as a measure you will get total value from this custom field. Histogram chart should represent a count of issues with particular numeric value and split by another dimension.
You would like to import your numeric custom field as a dimension or interval dimension into eazyBI to see how issues are split by particular values.
Here is an example custom field definition that enables importing this custom field as a dimension (interval dimens…
Zane / support@eazyBI.com
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