Hi Team,
I want the Epic-level “Original Estimate” field in a report column. In my Rows, I have the “Epic Link” dimension. In the columns, among other fields, I have “Original estimated hours with sub-tasks” and “Remaining estimated hours with sub-tasks.” As an additional field, I would like the Original Estimate, from the Epic (not the sum of the estimates of stories) in hours.
I tried adding a simple calculated member called “Epic Estimate” with the following:
[Epic Link].CurrentMember.Get(‘Original Estimate’). However this is not returning anything (probably NULL.)
In that case, drag “Issue type” dimenion to pages area and filter your report by “Epic” (issue type).
The calculation should return results only from epics
That’s giving me the estimate at the Epic level, yes! But since I also need the sum of estimated hours with sub-tasks for all the issues under the Epic, I added a calculated member called “Hours with Sub-Tasks” and used this formula:
[Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.level.Name = “Epic”
([Issue Type].[Epic],
[Measures].[Issues created])>0
[Measures].[Original estimated hours with sub-tasks])
[Measures].[Original estimated hours with sub-tasks],
[Issue Type].[Epic]
But I am getting the same number 40, instead of something like 360 or 370. Could you be kind and point out what’s wrong with the formula, please?
Is this problem solved? I have the same problem like ssh. As soon as I have epics and subtasks, I only get the sum of all subtasks at Epic level.
I have tried all the suggestions listed here.
If you would use “Epic” level members from “Issue” dimension in your report (and don’t use “Issue Type” dimension to filter) it should aggregate all the value from original estimated hours from all the children including epic itself.
The idea is to exclude “Sub-task” level original hours for each member (epic, story) from the tree.
Could you please share more details on what exactly didn’t work?
I find it quite strange that none of your stories have sub-tasks in the attachment (no possibility to expand to sub-task level) which makes me think that there is no issue type with “subtask” value imported in the account.
Do you find members at the sub-task level in the hierarchy at all (see attachment below)?
I think there is some kind of misunderstanding here since you don’t have sub-tasks in your structure at all.
Please try creating a calculated measure with this code:
[Issue].Currenthierarchymember.level.name = "Epic"
[Measures].[Original estimated hours],
[Issue Type].[Epic]
[Issue].Currenthierarchymember.level.name = "Parent"
[Issue].Currenthierarchymember.level.name = "Sub-task"
Nonzero([Measures].[Original estimated hours])
That would show epic’s hours only for epic level and the user and story level hours for children of epic
Otherwise, please reach out to support@eazybi.com so we can schedule a debugging call.