Establish hierarchies based on parent links

We are trying to develop a hierarchy in EazyBi based on parent links, however we cannot get it working. When we run the last query in EazyBI no hierarchy is developed (based on no hierachies when applying issue type dimension). Hope that you can help.

We have the below hierachies in JIRA connected via parent links:

SAFe epic (portfolio)
SAFe capability (large solution)
SAFe feature (porgram)

We have done it via the two steps mentioned in EazyBI documentation -

1. Created custom field in JIRA
Created a custom field in JIRA with the name “Initiative” and under description we have included below query (Instead of NNNNN we have included the issue ID for parent link (17003) which we found as the last digit in the browser link when clicking on parent link in custome fields in JIRA).

if (issue.get(“customfield_17003”) != null) {
return issue.get(“customfield_17003”).getKey();
else {
return “”;

2. Added custom field definition and hierachy difinition to advanced settings in EazyBI
27700 is referring to the last digits in the browser line when cliking on the initative customfield in JIRA and then we included the name of the levels.
We are assuming that the problems lies in the statements with “key”. We have just written “key”, but perhaps a value should be included here instead?

#Precalculated custom field with Parent link key or Jira Portfolio Parent link field
data_type = “string”
check_calculated_value = true
update_from_issue_key = “SAFe EPIC (Portfolio)_key”

name = “Initiative”
all_member_name = “All Issues by Initiative”
levels = [
{name=“SAFe EPIC (Portfolio)”,key_column=“SAFe EPIC (Portfolio)_key”},
{name=“SAFe Capability (Large Solution)”,key_column=“SAFe Capability (Large Solution)_key”},
{name=“SAFe Feature (Program)”,key_column=“SAFe Feature (Program)_key”},

Also tried below query instead, also without any luck:

#Precalculated custom field with Parent link key or Jira Portfolio Parent link field
data_type = “string”
check_calculated_value = true
update_from_issue_key = “epic_key”

name = “Initiative”
all_member_name = “All Issues by Initiative”
levels = [

Hope you can help.

Br. Karoline

strong text

Hi Karoline,

In case there is more than one level above the parent, there has to be a Jira MISC field for each of the level links. See more details in the documentation of Hierarchy with several levels above standard.

You are also correct about the update_from_issue_key configuration - for each higher level, there must be key to the lower level. So for ‘SAFe epic’ Jira MISC field settings you would say that the update_from_issue_key is ‘customfield_BBBBB’ which is the Jira MISC field returning SAFe capability links.

Lauma /

Hi Lauma, apologies for resurrecting this old thread, but I couldn’t find anything more recent?

Isn’t your answer basically “we don’t support Jira portfolio”?

The effort to create additional parent->child links on top of the ‘parent link’ that Jira uses is unsustainable.

I have a structure that goes Feature -> Epic -> Story. Effort is recorded at the Story level. If I want a bar chart of how much effort has been spent on all the Features in a release, you’re telling me that I need to create additional unique links for each tier in the hierarchy?

It looks like the instructions in haven’t changed. Is there a plan to properly support Jira Portfolio hierarchies?

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Hi @Alden_Spiess!

Truly, things have changed over time! Starting eazyBI version 4.6 (back in August 2018), eazyBI automatically builds the Issue dimension hierarchy based on Portfolio parent link. Please see more details here:

The option to build custom hierarchies also remains.

Lauma /

Thanks, that’s great! I now have the option to import Parent Link in the Add-ons tab.

But I am not seeing ‘Portfolio’ in my Issue hierarchy? We’re using Jira Cloud, and your documentation page mentions ‘limited functionality’ because the REST API is not available?

Am I missing something, or is this expected behaviour?


Unfortunately, this is still true for Portfolio Cloud - the Portfolio hierarchy in eazyBI must be defined manually through advanced settings.

You may check out a few more examples in the eazyBI Community:

If you would like assistance with completing a hierarchy for Advanced roadmaps (Portfolio), please send to more information about your hierarchy (screenshot with Hierarchy levels of Advanced roadmap from Jira administration -> Manage apps -> Advanced Roadmaps for Jira -> Hierarchy configuration) and we can help you with building the hierarchy.

Lauma /

I wanted to add that eazyBI has released an option to build a Portfolio hierarchy in Jira Cloud eazyBI accounts more straightforwardly based on the Parent Link custom field, read more here: Advanced Roadmaps custom fields - eazyBI for Jira.

Lauma /