Help in writing a request for the report

Good day. Recently started working with this reporting plugin and I need help writing a request.
It is necessary to draw up a report which would include tasks that meet the following conditions:
The creation date or due date of the task must fall within the reporting period, or the task must be open before the beginning of the reporting period and has not been completed in the reporting period.
Here are the queries I made in Measures:

([Measures].[Issue created date] > OpeningPeriod([Time].[Day],[Time].CurrentMember) AND
[Measures].[Issue created date] < ClosingPeriod([Time].[Day],[Time].CurrentMember)) OR
([Measures].[Issue resolution date] > OpeningPeriod([Time].[Day],[Time].CurrentMember) AND
[Measures].[Issue resolution date] < ClosingPeriod([Time].[Day],[Time].CurrentMember)) OR
([Measures].[Issue created date] < OpeningPeriod([Time].[Day],[Time].CurrentMember) AND
IsEmpty([Measures].[Issue resolution date]))

([Measures].[Issues created] > OpeningPeriod([Time].[Day],[Time].CurrentMember) AND
[Measures].[Issues created] < ClosingPeriod([Time].[Day],[Time].CurrentMember)) OR
([Measures].[Issues resolved] > OpeningPeriod([Time].[Day],[Time].CurrentMember) AND
[Measures].[Issues resolved] < ClosingPeriod([Time].[Day],[Time].CurrentMember)) OR
([Measures].[Issues created] < OpeningPeriod([Time].[Day],[Time].CurrentMember) AND
IsEmpty([Measures].[Issue resolution date]))

But instead of the number of tasks in the cells, I got “false”
Help me find what is my mistake
Best regards,

Hi @VictoriaMoroz ,

eazyBI has the SLA due date property, displaying the date and time when the SLA should be due. You can see more on that here - Jira Service Management custom fields - eazyBI for Jira.

Although I have to note, you can’t use the time part reliably as it seems to ignore the Timezone settings. We have this bug in our backlog. You can use the date without time reliably. See an example below:

DateWithoutTime([Measures].[Issue Time to first response Due Date])

Roberts //