Hi @larry.pattinson,
I understand that you would like to have some custom hierarchy for Issues based on the links. In eazyBI you may use some issue hierarchies out of the box: Default (all issues under a project are equal), Sub-task (Project, Parent, Sub-task), Epic (Project, Epic, Parent, Sub-task) and hierarchy from Portfolio (if custom field Parent Link is selected for data import into eazyBI).
You may also define a new custom hierarchy. Sorry to say, this is not for beginners as it requires some understanding of Jira and changes in eazyBI advanced settings.
Please follow the instructions in the documentation on how to build additional issue hierarchy: https://docs.eazybi.com/eazybijira/data-import/advanced-data-import-options/additional-issue-hierarchies.
There are some related Community topics with examples of building additional issue hierarchy:
Zane / support@eazyBI.com