Hi Community,
We faced issues with importing hierarchy because of project specifics where some High-level Features have one-to-many relationships with Features, and some features have one-to-many relationships with Epics.
I used initially the following settings for import with custom hierarchy.
#Jira custom field for importing parent high-level feature key for features
name = “High-Level Feature”
inward_link = “Is part of”
issue_type = “High-Level Feature”
update_from_issue_key = “customfield_epic_feature”
#Jira custom field for importing parent feature key for epics
name = “Feature”
inward_link = “Is part of”
issue_type = “Feature”
update_from_issue_key = “epic_key”
#multiple_values = true
#split_by = “,”
#custom hierarchy definition
name = “High-Level Feature”
all_member_name = “All Issues”
levels = [
{name=“High-Level Feature”,key_column=“customfield_feature_hlf”, issue_type = “High-Level Feature”},
{name=“Feature”,key_column=“customfield_epic_feature”, issue_type = “Feature”},
#adding Components filed from Jira to list of eazyBI dimensions
name = “Component”
data_type = “string”
multiple_values = true
split_by = “,”
dimension = true
javascript_code = ‘’’
issue.fields.customfield_eazybicomponent = issue.fields.components;
Import with one-to-one relations went well but rest issues that have one-to-many relations were imported without hierarchy.
I found a topic regarding a similar issue and tried to use the proposed solution with outward links with the following settings.
#Jira custom field for importing parent high-level feature key for features
name = “High-Level Feature”
outward_link = “Consists of”
issue_type = “High-Level Feature”
update_from_issue_key = “customfield_epic_feature”
#Jira custom field for importing parent feature key for epics
name = “Feature”
outward_link = “Consists of”
issue_type = “Feature”
update_from_issue_key = “epic_key”
#custom hierarchy definition
name = “High-Level Feature”
all_member_name = “All Issues”
levels = [
{name=“High-Level Feature”,key_column=“customfield_feature_hlf”, issue_type = “High-Level Feature”},
{name=“Feature”,key_column=“customfield_epic_feature”, issue_type = “Feature”},
#adding Components filed from Jira to list of eazyBI dimensions
name = “Component”
data_type = “string”
multiple_values = true
split_by = “,”
dimension = true
javascript_code = ‘’’
issue.fields.customfield_eazybicomponent = issue.fields.components;
Import process went without issues, but previously used report returns error the follwing error:
MDX object ‘[Issue.High-Level Feature].[High-Level Feature]’ not found in cube ‘Issues’
I verified Jira settings for inward/outward links. It looks like names of fields in modified import are correct and are based on the following Jira settings for links:
- Type - Consists of
- Outward Description - Consists of
- Inward Description - Is part of
Please advise on the resolution of this issue.
Thanks a lot for your help!