Linked Issue Status and Properties in a single row without showing the Linked Issue Key

Hi There,

We want to be able to report the Status and a property of a Linked Issue in a single row as follows:

The relationship is as follows from the main ticket with a single link:

I have import the fields as follows in the Advanced settings with all the dimensions and properties imported from the source:
##Linked Project Record to Project Concept
name = “Linked Project”
outward_link = [“Is Project Concept of”]
issue_type = “Project”
dimension = true

##Linked Project Status
name = “Linked Project Status”
source_dimension = “Status”
issue_key_column = “customfield_linkedproject”
group = “Linked issue dimensions”

I know the “Linked Project” customfield works since I get the following:

The first issue I have is that when I tried to pick a specific property “Requested Launch Date” based on the post it did not work. (How to get linked issue property to Parent issue)

What I get:

For the Linked Status, I’ve seen other posts but they do not meet the requirement of not showing the linked issue key. (Link: Linked Issue Status dimension)

Any guidance is appreciated.

Here is the solutions thanks to EazyBI support.

  1. First you had to ensure that you import the project of the linked issues
  2. Measure for “Linked Requested Launch Date”

[Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.get(‘Linked Project’)).get(‘Requested Launch Date’)

  1. Measure for “Linked Project Status”

[Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.get(‘Linked Project’)).get(‘Status ID’)


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